Store plums - instructions and storage tips

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Buying and Storing Plums
Video: Buying and Storing Plums


Ripe plums can be stored in the fridge

Store plums - instructions and storage tips

Prunes are delicate fruits that should be handled with care - including in terms of storage. We show you how to proceed.

So you can store plums

Depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruits, there are several ways to store plums:

Store unripe prunes at room temperature

Immature plums are best stored for one to two days at room temperature. Place them side by side in a fruit basket or in an open paper bag.


A firmer consistency indicates that plums are not yet fully mature; but they mature rapidly when the conditions are right.

Important: You should not place unripe plums in the fridge so as not to interrupt the ripening process. This only results in low-flavored or even floury and damaged fruits.

Keep ripe plums in the fridge

If you want to eat ripe plums in a timely manner, store them in the refrigerator for a maximum of two to seven days, depending on the variety - ideally in the vegetable compartment of the same. Lay the fruits flat so that any spoiled specimens do not infect the others.

Important: Do not wash your plums until shortly before consumption. The whitish film should be preserved until this moment - it protects the fruits from dehydration. In addition, this layer is a sign of full maturity.


You can put the plums in an open (NOT locked!) Plastic bag or in empty egg cartons (one plum per egg compartment).

The refrigerator should be free from strong odors as plums tend to accept such flavors after a few days.

Store ripe plums in the freezer

If you want to preserve your plums for several months, just freeze them:

    Wash the plums thoroughly. Dry the fruits carefully. Remove the plums. Cut the fruits into pieces. Place the pieces on a baking tray and let them freeze in the freezer. Get the plum pieces out again. Portion them into freezer bags or cans. Seal the containers airtight. Put the plum packages in the freezer.

Frozen (around minus 18 degrees Celsius), plums remain edible for up to twelve months.

General note: Buy only prunes that