Now, runner beans are harvested

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Amazing Bean Farming and Harvesting - Bean Cultivation Technology - Bean Growing and Processing
Video: Amazing Bean Farming and Harvesting - Bean Cultivation Technology - Bean Growing and Processing


Now, runner beans are harvested

After just ten weeks, the first vitamin-rich runner beans are ripe and can be harvested by hand. The long, narrow to round pods have reached a length of 10 to 28 centimeters and taste best as fresh, green beans. But please only cooked!

Fast runner beans

Anyone sowing or planting his runner beans from mid-May can expect the first harvest from the end of July. Reseeding is also possible until the end of July so that fresh runner beans can be harvested until October.

Now they are ripe!

The ripening point of your runner beans can be recognized by the sleeves. The germs should not press through the shell and when bending the sleeves should break through smoothly.

How to harvest

Tips for harvesting

This is how storage succeeds

Beans are best consumed fresh, but never raw. Only by cooking the toxins in the beans are broken down.

In the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, beans are stable for a few days. By boiling and freezing, beans last a few months.

Harvest of the seeds

If you want to win bean seeds, you can let some of your pods mature. First you dry by hanging the sleeves. Then you release the seeds and let them dry side by side.

Tips & Tricks

The runner beans are growing over your head? Then try the variety "Rakker". It will be a maximum of 2 meters high and you will get well everywhere when harvesting.