Know how to do it - the care of lilies

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lilies 101: Care, Types and Handling
Video: Lilies 101: Care, Types and Handling


Lilies like moist soil

Know how to do it - the care of lilies

Constantly they do not blossom without a lot of care. Unlike other plants, lilies are considered undemanding and easy to care for. But is it really like that? What care do you need?

Planting lilies: Everything you need to know Next article Lilies cut - on the right timing matters

How often and with what should lilies be fertilized?

From the 2nd year in the garden lilies should be fertilized at least once a year. The fertilizer can be given to the plants more frequently and at regular intervals.

During flowering, the fertilizer is used to extend it. At the end of the flowering period, a moderate amount of fertilizer is also useful. The onions can take in and collect the nutrients they need for the coming year.

Lilies can be fertilized with various organic and mineral fertilizers. Humus, horn shavings, rock flour, stinging nettle and blue grape have proved their worth. Lilies in the pot should be supplied with a complete fertilizer in liquid form.

Do lilies have to be poured?

Lilies need a moist surface. Therefore, they should be watered regularly if the rain stops or they are in the pot. Especially at the flowering time, the water is significant. Beforehand, a good drainage should be ensured.

How can lilies be propagated?

Lilies are most easily propagated by dividing the roots. This procedure should be done after flowering by autumn at the latest. Then the plants can be overwintered. The second propagation method for lilies is sowing. However, the germination period of the seeds can be up to three years.

Are wintering activities negligible?

Not necessarily. Keep the following points in mind when wintering:

Which disease and which pest are the most common?

The disease that often occurs in lilies is the stem rot. The cause is a fungus pathogen. This is lured when the plants are in waterlogging. The stems turn brown at the bottom and break off. The death of the lily is the result. Rarely, viral and bacterial diseases occur in lilies.

At pests it is above all the lily chicken, which can provide for eaten leaves. This is a red colored beetle. He lays his eggs on the leaves. The hatched larvae are colored gray and eat the lily. With the help of a shower, this pest can be rinsed off. Preventively, it helps to spray the lilies with tea from field horsetail.

Should you cut lilies?

Tips & Tricks

Mulch your lilies and plant ground cover over their root area. This often eliminates fertilizer and must be cast also rarely or not at all.