Professionally transplanting barberry - instructions with practical tips

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
All About Japanese Barberries
Video: All About Japanese Barberries


The bigger the barberry the more complicated the transplanting

Professionally transplanting barberry - instructions with practical tips

Have you ordered your barracks to relocate? Then familiarize yourself with the correct procedure here. These instructions explain in practice, when and how to transplant Berberis species properly.

Best transplant appointment is in autumn

In autumn, it goes up high in ornamental gardens. When the season draws to a close, the best time to plant and transplant woody plants, such as the popular barberry. The plants are now sinking into a slumber, which facilitates the regeneration until the next spring.

Proper preparation is half the story - that's the way it works

The expert appointment is the first step for a perfect preparation of the transplanting action of a barberry as a solitary or hedge. For the change of location to be crowned with success, please pay special attention to these measures:

The pruning pursues the goal of equalizing the amount of root lost during excavation proportionally. Otherwise, an imbalance between leafy branches and roots as supply lines will result, leading to a fatal growth depression.

Plant berberis exemplary - you should pay attention to this

Following the recommended preparatory measures, the sweaty part of the work begins. Use a spade to prick the root area all around. The radius ideally corresponds to the crown diameter of the barberry. Now loosen the bale with a digger fork. Protruding protruding root strands cut off to create a compact, handy bale.

Now lift the plant out of the ground. To dig up a voluminous root ball, helping hands are now an advantage. Armed with a shovel, the helpers spread around the shrub. Together, the wood is lifted from the ground and placed in a waiting wheelbarrow. A slumped linen sack prevents the bale's earth from being lost during transport.

Plant the barberry at the new location just as deeply as before. Join the earth and water. At the place exposed to the wind we recommend to stabilize the transplanted shrub with a support pile.


The pivotal point in the care program after a relocation is a sufficient supply of water. In particular, evergreen barberry are endangered after transplanting by drought stress until the lost root volume has regenerated.