Cover a bed properly - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to set up bed sheet cover properly | Tips and Tricks | चादर बिछाने के 5 बेहतरीन तरीके | Neetu K
Video: How to set up bed sheet cover properly | Tips and Tricks | चादर बिछाने के 5 बेहतरीन तरीके | Neetu K


Cover fleece protects plants from late frost

Cover a bed properly - tips and tricks

There are different reasons to cover a bed. So it makes perfect sense to protect sensitive seedlings or plants from late frosts by a cover. Frequently, however, it should be prevented that weeds can grow there unchecked.

When should I cover a bed?

If you have already planted vegetables in the garden early or if your berry bushes are already blooming early in the year, then it is advisable to cover them before the entrance of the icy saints or late frosts. Suitable for this are plant fleeces or a transparent film. In this way, you can prevent losses to the berry harvest or prefer the growing season for your vegetables a bit.

The use of weed tissue is always recommended if you have little time for gardening, but want to keep a larger area weed-free. Decorative bedding covers such as gravel, bark mulch or soil-covering plants are suitable for an individual garden design. They can use them according to their preferences. Gravel and bark mulch can be found in different colors in the trade.

How can I cover a bed?

The material for the cover depends on the purpose of your project. Should young plants be protected from late frosts, tomatoes from rain or berries from birds? For this purpose, there are special fleece or nets that you can pull over your berry bushes.

Do you want to prevent "weeds" from growing on your bed? Here, a so-called root protection film can help, even under the name weed tissue in the trade. Nurseries and gardening companies have been using this film for a long time, now they are also moving into private gardens. It is tear-resistant, water-permeable, weather-resistant and environmentally friendly.

The foil is quite easy to lay, but should be weighted with stones or held by a helper, so that it is not blown by the wind. Holes are cut into the foil for already existing plants on the bed to be covered. After installation, the film is covered with gravel or bark mulch and designed the bed enclosure.

How to thread weed tissue:


Bed covers can be used appropriately or as decoration.