Plant lilies: Everything you need to know

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Canna lilies - everything you need to know about how to choose and grow cannas
Video: Canna lilies - everything you need to know about how to choose and grow cannas


Lilies like it sunny

Plant lilies: Everything you need to know

They are available in various designs. Whether large or small, colorful or monochrome flowering - lilies have fundamentally similar requirements. Here are all important questions about the planting of these flowering wonders clarified.

Next article Knowing how to do it - the care of lilies

When is the best planting time?

There are many different species and varieties in the world of lilies. Not all are planted at the same time. Most representatives are best planted in the soil as onions in March.

The bulbs should arrive at their location by May at the latest. Anyone who decides on preferred plants from the garden center, should plant them only after the Eisheiligen in May. Alternatively, the lilies can be planted in the fall. It is important, above all, that they do not have to bear the stress of planting in midsummer when flowering takes place.

When will the exceptions be planted?

The exceptions are above all these two species: the Madonna lily and the Turquoise-headed Lily. Only in late summer (around August) is it time to plant them. Both the bulbs and early plants can be placed in the soil in the garden or in the pot at this time.

What features should the site have?

Lilies are true sun children. But they need a cool foot to be able to feel good. Your roots should be in the shade. To ensure this, it is advisable to mulch the root area or to plant it with ground cover. As a mulch layer is conventional bark mulch.

The flowers of the lilies need the sun. Therefore, is on a sunny to sunny position (like sheltered from the wind) worth. A place in the partial shade forms the tolerance zone for lilies. There are fewer flowers. Highly recommended is a location where the lilies appear both in the morning and in the afternoon sun. At lunchtime, they should be kept away from direct sun.

How should the soil be?

Basically, lilies are undemanding in terms of the floor. They grow everywhere, as long as the soil does not drip wet. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to a well-drained ground. The soil should be broken up before planting. Furthermore, the following properties of the substrate are advantageous:

How much distance should be between the plants?

Depending on which lily species you plant, you should calculate the distance to other plants. High and wide-awake species such as the Madonna lily should be at least 1 m away from other plants. If you want to plant several lilies of the same species, a distance of 20 cm between them is sufficient.

Which propagation methods are recommended?

To multiply lilies is uncomplicated. They can be multiplied by splitting their root or by sowing. While sharing is easy and should be done in the spring or fall, sowing is a bit more laborious.

How is the sowing done?

The seeds mature in the fall. If self-sowing is to be prevented, the seeds should be cut off. Otherwise, they can be left standing. Many species of lilies like to sow themselves, such as the well-known daylilies.

For controlled sowing, proceed as follows:

When do lilies bloom?

Depending on the species, lilies bloom at different times. Some go to their prime in May. Most lilies are blooming in July. Few show their flowers between August and September, such as the daylily 'Final Touch'.

Which plant neighbors are suitable?

As a plant neighbor for lilies many perennials and flowers are suitable. On the foreground, shady groundcover are suitable. They keep the foot of the lilies shady and cool. Also suitable are low perennials and annual summer flowers such as:

How are the onions planted?

Before you plant the onion of a lily, you should dig a planting hole. All you need is a small hand scoop. The hole should be twice as big as the onion. Then loosen the soil in the planting hole on all sides.

Now a mound is formed. Then place the onion. Align the onion with the tip upwards. You may like to add some rotted compost if the hole is filled with soil.

Finally, the earth is pressed and poured vigorously. Also in the following 2 weeks, it is important to keep this soil moist, so that the onion can easily drive out. If the lily has been planted correctly, later elaborate care will be omitted.

Tips & Tricks

Attention: Do not plant the roots too deep! If it does, it is most likely that the flowering time will be delayed or the flowering will be over.