Simply multiply Melissa - that's how you do it right

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Simply multiply Melissa - that's how you do it right - Garden
Simply multiply Melissa - that's how you do it right - Garden


Simply multiply Melissa - that's how you do it right

Once lemon balm has taken root in the bed, it naturally reproduces itself by means of seeds and foothills. In order to settle the herb plant in another location, the propagation by sowing, division or cuttings is recommended. That's how it's done.

Previous article So lemon balm winters in the garden and on the balcony

Sow seeds carefully - in the house they germinate better

In view of their winter hardiness, the seeds of melissa are theoretically suitable for direct sowing. Experience has shown that they germinate only very hesitantly in the field. We therefore recommend sowing on the windowsill, which scores with a high success rate of more than 80 percent. This is how it works:

At temperatures of 20-25 degrees Celsius on the partially shaded window seat, germination begins after 3-4 weeks. A hood made of plastic foil lifts the germination of the seeds to fall away again after appearance of the cotyledons. Your pupils will be planted in the bed from mid-May.

Uncomplicated multiplication by division

The division is one of the simplest methods of propagation in ornamental and vegetable garden. In early spring, dig out a vital lemon balm. With a spade or sharp knife, split the root ball into two or more segments. Each section should have at least 2 shoots. As these are completely self-sufficient plant parts, they can be planted immediately at the new location.

Cuttings turn into magnificent lemon balm plants

In early summer, each branch has the potential for its own lemon balm. The proof yield 10 to 15 centimeters long shoot tips, which serve as cuttings. That's how easy it is:

In the half-shady place in the garden or on the windowsill, the cuttings rooted quickly. After a few weeks they will be planted at the intended location.

Tips & Tricks

Despite the sufficiency of adult lemon balm, young plants grown by hand prove very thirsty. In the first weeks and months after planting in the bed and tub, they are poured much more often than in later years. Therefore, daily use the thumb sample to check if the substrate surface has dried and should be watered.