Advice for the care of bed roses

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!
Video: How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!


Beetroots need relatively little water

Advice for the care of bed roses

As bed roses are usually different varieties Floribundarosen, Polyantharosen and Polyantha hybrids. With proper care, they will produce a variety of flowers that will radiate a garden patch over a relatively long period of time.

How often should bed roses be poured?

As bedroots penetrate as deep rootworm into relatively deep layers of the earth, they only have to be cast in pronounced drought conditions. The situation is a little bit different for bed roses in the tub: These should be poured moderately as soon as the uppermost layer of earth has dried off. However, in bedding roses in the pot as well as in the outdoor bed appropriate measures should be taken against waterlogging.

What should be considered when transplanting bed roses?

Beetroots are ideally planted or transplanted in the fall. In particular, the planting hole should be excavated and loosened much larger, especially in stony or loamy soil. Beetroots need the deepest possible soil for optimal growth. For planting normal garden soil or even better special rose earth can be used.

When and how are bed roses optimally cut?

Basically, bed roses are cut twice a year, the first time in early spring and the second time directly after flowering or autumn. In the spring section, the individual shoots are shortened by at least one third, so as to prevent cropping of the plants. But you should also grab the planter to:

Which pests can be a problem with bed roses?

Beetroots are often attacked by aphids, rose-leaf wasps and various types of mites. These can be fought not only with special insecticides, but also through targeted cutting measures in conjunction with beneficial organisms such as ladybirds and parasitic wasps.

How can diseases in the bed roses be combated and prevented?

A common problem is the flowering of powdery mildew. This can be combated like the rose rust with special fungicides. If you do not want to use these remedies, you can also look for regular pruning and overall plant health through proper fertilization and use of horsetail broth.

What should be considered when fertilizing bed roses?

While bedding roses in the bed are ideally supplied at the end of March and at the end of March each with a portion of slow-release fertilizer such as blue-grain or rye, bedding roses in the tub usually use liquid fertilizer. Do not use more nitrogenous fertilizer as of July as it can dramatically affect the health of the bed roses and their winteriness.

Which measures help the Beetrosen with the harmless wintering?

While bedding roses in the pot may well need protection against strong winter frosts, specimens in the outdoor bed are only covered with spruce or similar materials. The bed roses should be exposed in the winter as possible no direct, full-day sunlight, as this leads to strong temperature fluctuations.


When watering the bed of roses, the water should always be applied close to the root, so that the leaves and flowers are not doused with water.