Cultivate bed roses in the tub

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Rosella in One Raised Garden Bed
Video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Rosella in One Raised Garden Bed


Beetroots also thrive in the tub

Cultivate bed roses in the tub

As the name implies, the various varieties of beetroot are primarily planted directly in a field garden bed. With proper care, bed roses can also become true flower stars in pots.

Basic information for the container culture of roses

Basically, bed roses in the tub are quite similar to groomed as in the garden bed planted bed roses. However, in the case of bed roses in the pot should be paid to the following features:

In the cut, bed roses in the tub should be treated the same as bed roses in a garden bed: The first cut is made at about the same time as the forsythia blossom in early spring, a second cut should be made either directly after flowering or autumn, depending on the variety.

The ideal location for bed roses in the pot

A certain advantage of the pot culture of bed roses is the mobility of the plants. These can be changed seasonally, if there are practical or optical reasons. Basically, the optimal location for roses is relatively sunny, in heat stress in the summer, bed roses in the pot but should be moved to a location with good air circulation and with hourly shade. Roses should also not be positioned under a canopy as a container culture as it can make them more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Beetrosen in the bucket overwinter correctly

Even as a container culture, bed roses are usually overwintered outdoors. However, the plants should not stand in the sun during the winter months, otherwise this causes too large temperature differences between day and night. In order to better protect the roots in the bucket from frost, the planter can be placed in a larger bucket with an insulating layer of leaves or brushwood. Even wrapping in jute bags or wrapping with bubble wrap are possible. The upper part of the plants should be protected against winter cold with spruce or coconut fiber.


So that the roots of a bed rose can develop without restriction, a pot of sufficient size should be chosen. Sizes starting from about 20 liters upwards have a positive effect on the development of the bed roses in the tub. A conical shape should be preferred over straight pot shapes.