Increase angel trumpets over cuttings - in water

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to grow Brugmansia from cuttings (Angel Trumpet)
Video: How to grow Brugmansia from cuttings (Angel Trumpet)


The cuttings of the angel trumpet also form roots in the water

Increase angel trumpets over cuttings - in water

Cultivating angel trumpets is more of a thing for more experienced hobby gardeners. Their multiplication, on the other hand, does not present a big challenge to beginners either. The cutting method works without any problems - even with water.

Rooted angel trumpet cuttings in water

The easiest way to grow an angel trumpet is to use the usual cuttings method. The Gelingrate is here very high and thus far preferable to the seed multiplication (unless one has the right to breed new varieties). Normally, you can grow a clean cut from the Blühregion cutting in a pot of potting soil - so he can connect his roots equal to a soil substrate.

Angel trumpet cuttings just as easily form their own roots in a glass of water. The advantage of this variant: You need, at least as regards the humid content, no longer worry about the cutting. Instead, it's just a matter of waiting for 2-3 weeks, until he has first made knobbly approaches and then from these a tender root system.

However, the rooting water should be replaced from time to time. Otherwise there is a risk of rot.