Plant hydrangeas and realize blossoming garden dreams

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden
Video: Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden


Plant hydrangeas and realize blossoming garden dreams

The hydrangea, also called hydrangea or water shrub, enchants the garden with its romantic-looking flower balls. If you offer the hydrangea the optimal living conditions, the small flower cane, which you once acquired and used lovingly, develops into an attractive flowering shrub with nostalgic charm. What you need to keep in mind when planting the Hydrangea, you will read in this article.

Next article Cut hydrangeas properly - so succeed in the pruning

When is the optimal planting time?

If possible you should put the hydrangea in the fall. Normally, the soil is slightly wetter at this time of the year than in spring or summer, and the moisture-loving plant finds the optimal conditions.

Also towards the end of spring is a good time to use the shrub. However, be sure to wait for the sacred ice so that no more ground frosts are expected.

Container plants can be used all year round. However, in the first few weeks and months you will have to put up with increased nursing care as the hydrangea needs to be watered regularly.

Which location does the hydrangea prefer?

The water shrub prefers sunny to partially shaded locations. For the hydrangea to flower many times, it should be illuminated by the sun for about six hours each day. Make sure that the flowering shrub is not in the blazing sun all day during the hot summer months, as the hydrangea evaporates a lot of moisture through its large leaf area and then lets the flowers and leaves hang.

Give the hydrangea a more sheltered place, so that the large flower balls are not torn by wind gusts.

Which substrate prefers the flowering shrub?

The hydrangea is wrongly considered demanding in terms of soil condition. Although the small shrub loves nutritious, deep, and slightly acidic soils, it does thrive, however, with proper care even in barren sandy soil. Only very dry locations and calcareous soil tolerate the hydrangea bad.

Humose or loamy soils, on the other hand, are ideal because these soils store moisture very well. For clay soils, however, you should make sure that the soil is not too compacted. If Hydrangea does not find ideal soil in your garden, you can improve the substrate with rhododendron soil, mature foliage compost or peat.

How is the hydrangea planted?

Raise the planting hole about twice as big as the pot bale is. This allows you to spread the roots in the planting hole and do not compress them. Loosen the surrounding soil well so that the plant can grow in quickly.

It is recommended to place the water bush for a few minutes in a water-filled container before planting. As a result, the root ball absorbs moisture fully and the plant can store enough water. Do not use the hydrangea deeper than at ground level so that the roots get enough air and develop quickly.

Which distance to other plants should be kept?

The planting distance depends on which hydrangea species you have chosen and whether Hydrangea as a flowering hedge or attractive Solitärstrauch decorates the garden. Generally, a planting distance of at least 80 to 150 centimeters is recommended.

May hydrangeas be transplanted?

If the hydrangea needs to be moved in the garden, you should use the plant in autumn or alternatively in late spring if possible. Hydrangeas form very deep roots with many fine rootlets, which should not be damaged too much. Therefore, dig out the roots in a wide radius around the plant, in order to preserve the complete root ball as possible.

Transplanting is the same as with newly purchased hydrangeas. Note, however, that the planting hole is large enough to hold the entire root ball so that the root system does not need to be squeezed.

Good and bad neighbors

Flowering hydrangea and rose bushes are a fantastic sight. Both plants tolerate each other very well and form harmonious plant communities. Hydrangea does not appreciate the proximity to lavender, which is often used around the roses to drive lice.

Hydrangeas with bamboo, grasses and foliage plants, which also love the penumbra, form an attractive community. The Hydrangea also feels at home in the vicinity of Fancy Pines, Funkias or Autumn Anemones.

Can hydrangeas be propagated?

Since the colorful flowers of the hydrangea are usually only fictitious, multiplication by seeds is often difficult for the layman. It is easier to breed by cuttings, which succeed relatively easily.

In spring or early summer, cut off young shoots without buds from the flowering shrubs. The offspring can either be rooted in pots with potting soil or in water. After about two weeks, the first roots form and the cuttings used in the water glass can be transplanted into soil.

Some species of hydrangea form buds on the sides, which you can cut off and insert directly. For all young plants applies: In the first winter, the small plantlets should be brought into the house to hibernate in a frost-free place.

When does the hydrangea bloom?

The main flowering period of hydrangea is from June to September. Depending on the species, it then bears globular flower balls, flat umbels or inflorescences that look like long-drawn panicles.

Tips & Tricks

Soil quality and location are not just important for good growth. If an original pink flowering hydrangea is planted in soil with a pH between 4.0 and 4.5, the flower color changes and the hydrangea develops rich blue flowers.