Sow once, harvest several times - grow salad dressing

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Strawberry Shortcake 🍓 The Berry Big Harvest🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures
Video: Strawberry Shortcake 🍓 The Berry Big Harvest🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures


Sow once, harvest several times - grow salad dressing

Especially in recent years, he climbed steeply up the popularity scale.Gärtner does not present any dizzying challenges for him to grow his own garden: the cut lettuce is considered to be frugal and promising in terms of cultivation and yield.

When is sowing in the starting blocks?

Dress salad may be sown in the cold frame at the end of February. Beginning of April, the cultivation begins in the field. At this time, however, the young plants should be covered as a precaution with fleece or foil as protection against frost.

Furthermore, it is possible to prefer the cut salad at home and to suspend the young plants towards the end of April. This procedure is usually laborious and, in effect, does not yield large yields.

How do you get started?

There are cut lettuce varieties for the spring cultivation and for the summer cultivation. Both varieties are seeded batch by row. It is important, above all, that the seeds are close to each other. In addition, the seeds should only be slightly sprinkled with soil - they are among the light germs. Later, the young plants can be thinned slightly.

Complicated location claims?

Dress salad demands a sunny to partially shaded and warm location. He is quickly outnumbered by high heat, which is why a half-shady spot in summer is preferable to full sun. His claims regarding the ground are as follows:

From good and bad neighbors ...

With neighbors like parsley and celery, cut salad does not make friends. On the other hand, it can tolerate most other garden plants. The most suitable neighboring plants include:

How and when does the harvest take place?

6 to 7 weeks after sowing, the harvest takes place. The cut lettuce cuts off the young outer leaves. The heart leaves remain so new leaves can regrow. As a rule, the leaves should be 15 to 20 cm high at harvest time. They are cut 2 to 3 cm above the ground and from outside to inside.

Tips & Tricks

In order to keep the harvest period long, it is advisable to seed every 3 to 4 weeks.