Frankincense plants are not hardy

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Growing Frankincense In Ground & Container
Video: Growing Frankincense In Ground & Container


Frankincense plants are very sensitive to cold

Frankincense plants are not hardy

Frankincense plants are not hardy, on the contrary, they do not tolerate minus temperatures at all. For this reason, the popular ornamental plants for balcony and terrace are usually drawn only one year. But they can be overwintered if the conditions are right.

Frankincense comes from India and is not hardy

The incense plant, not to be confused with the incense tree, comes from India. There she is never exposed to minus temperatures. It is absolutely not hardy and already at temperatures around zero degrees.

If you pull frankincense plants on the balcony, you must overwinter them frost-free, because the delicate ornamental plant can not be winterized. Since the wintering is not without problems, the frankincense plant is often maintained only one year and disposed of in the fall.

So prepare the frankincense plant for the winter

Since the frankincense plant can not be winterized, it is always overwintered in the house. Keep in mind that the leaves spread a very intense odor that is not for everyone. In this case, look for a frost-free garage or a basement room with temperatures of at least ten degrees.

Water incense plants in winter quarters very sparingly. The root ball should not dry out completely.

The not hardy frankincense plant is not fertilized from September to March.

Continue frankincense after the winter break

From March, you will slowly get used to the frankincense plant to warmer temperatures and more light. Gently increase the casting quantities.

Spring is the best time to replant the incense plant. Replace the substrate as much as possible from the balcony box. Put traffic light plants in new ground.

Do not put the frankincense plant outside after the winter. Initially, it should only be brought outside by the hour. Remember, the nights until May can still be chilly.


In order for the non-toxic frankincense plant grows at all, the ambient temperatures must be at least 18 degrees. If it is cooler, the growth of the plant stagnates.