Dahlias multiply by splitting or cuttings

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Learn How To Divide Your Dahlia Tubers and Multiply Your Dahlia Stock!
Video: Learn How To Divide Your Dahlia Tubers and Multiply Your Dahlia Stock!


The cuttings for the propagation of dahlias should be cut off not cut off

Dahlias multiply by splitting or cuttings

The tubers of dahlias last only a few years. If you split them in time or break cuttings from the georgia in the spring, you can still grow your favorite variety in the garden for a lifetime.

Propagation by cuttings

The propagation by cuttings is mainly operated in horticulture, because in this way many plants can be pulled by a tuber. A tuber yields up to 20 new Georgines.

The tubers are taken in the late winter from the winter quarters and brought in a pot or a box to drive.

The pots or boxes are covered with a thin layer of earth. Then lay the dahlia tubers and sprinkle a thin layer of soil over them. Arrange the dahlias at about 18 degrees and lightly water them to expel them.

Do not cut off cuttings

Once a shoot has formed four pairs of leaves, carefully break them off directly at the tuber. Gardening experts recommend not to cut them off, as diseases can develop due to the escaping plant sap.

The cuttings are placed in potting soil and set up bright and warm in the house. That roots have formed can be recognized by the fact that new leaves develop.

Keep the small plants moist, but not too wet. In the garden, the newly won dahlias may only after the Eisheiligen.

Share tubers for reproduction

When splitting, make sure that at least two eyes remain on each piece of tuber. From these grow later the new shoots. The shoots are usually easy to recognize. Otherwise, just leave the tubers for a few days.

Use only healthy tubers. Single tubers with fouling should be better on the compost.

Dahlia tubers can be shared every two to three years, so you always have supplies of Georgines in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

You can also grow dahlias from seeds. If you want to multiply your georgia in this way, collect the seeds in early autumn and let them dry. They are then sown in spring.