High shrubs as a blind in the garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒฟ// Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒฟ// Garden Answer


Lilac is a very attractive, fragrant screen

High shrubs as a blind in the garden

The recreational value of a garden generally depends to a considerable extent on whether there is a certain degree of privacy within its own property boundaries. Especially in densely populated areas and next to busy traffic routes, a garden enclosure made of tall shrubs can significantly increase the peace and quiet in the garden.

Suitable shrubs with sufficiently strong and tall growth

As plant material for a high visual protection bushes should be selected, which show the fastest possible and strong growth. Most of the following plant species are also not very picky in terms of location and care conditions:

These shrubby waking plants should be regularly cut at the sides from a height of about one meter in order to accelerate the height growth.

Various types of sight hedges of shrubs

The choice of a particular screen protection is usually taken for a period of at least a decade.Accordingly, you should think before planting, whether you rather a uniform green hedge of cherry laurel, privet, etc. or rather a colorful hedge of flowering shrubs would like to plant. In addition, there are also differences in the seasonal or year-round foliage: While, for example, the cherry laurel its dense leaves year-round, the different types of dogwood throw their leaves in the fall. Since they are not evergreen, they are no less decorative in winter with their often eye-catching bark colors, but only offer a limited dense privacy.

Accurate planning saves work and hassle

In the case of a natural screening of flowering (or evergreen) shrubs, it is not only the question of exact arrangement of the different plant varieties according to their coloration and flowering that arises before planting. Since most of the shrub species can not be made as slim as a hedge of Thuja occidentalis emerald, it is important to keep sufficient distance to adjacent property during planting.


Strong-growing shrubs can provide plenty of clippings up to twice a year in advanced age. With a high-quality garden shredder, you can shred the resulting shrub directly after the cut and use it as a mulching material for beds.