Various varieties of Vinca minor for the garden

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Vinca Varieties A to Z
Video: Vinca Varieties A to Z


The flower color of the different Vinca varieties varies from bright white to deep blue to bright red

Various varieties of Vinca minor for the garden

The small periwinkle (Vinca minor) is a popular ground cover for planting green carpets in the garden due to its propagation and low stature. In addition to the wild form of Vinca minor with the typical bluish-purple flowers are now in the garden trade and a whole range of varieties to choose from.

Vinca minor'Alba':

This subspecies of Vinca minor is characterized by its bright white flowers. Between May and September they provide bright spots of color in shady flowerbeds and among groups of trees.

Vinca minor'Bavaria':

This variation of the small periwinkle got its name due to the color combination of the flowers. On the plants appear as white as well as bright blue flowers during flowering. So you can enjoy on a uniformly planted with plants of this variety two different flower colors. But pay attention to the relatively high water requirement of this evergreen variety, which should be regularly watered in dry locations.

Vinca minor'Austria':

Similar to Vinca minor'Bavaria' this variety was also named according to the national colors of Austria. Therefore, choose plants of this evergreen variety for planting in your garden, if you would like to see white and reddish flowers as a splash of color on your green carpet of Vinca minor.

Vinca minor 'Yelow Eye Catcher':

In this variety of the small periwinkle, the flowers are similar to blue as in the wild form of Vinca minor. Namely, the name refers to the striking yellowish foliage. Nevertheless, of course, this variety is "evergreen", even if the foliage is not so green in itself.

Vinca minor 'Rubra':

This cultivar of evergreen produces bright red to purple flowers. The flowering period lasts like other varieties from about May to September. It may also be attractive to use this variety with the appropriate planting distance as a contrast to the classic blue and violet color variants.

The care conditions for the cultivars of Vinca minor:

Similar to the wild form Vinca minor, the following factors must also be taken into account in the cultivars:


Some cultivars of the small periwinkle in the garden trade are not as hardy as the in itself insensitive wild form Vinca minor. When in doubt, pay close attention to the information on the corresponding plant containers.