Store bananas in the fridge?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Keep Bananas Fresh
Video: How To Keep Bananas Fresh


Bananas are not in the fridge

Store bananas in the fridge?

There is hardly a more practical snack than a sweet, perfectly wrapped banana. To keep them fresh and delicious for as long as possible, you should keep a few points in mind when storing bananas.

Rule of thumb for the storage of fruits and vegetables

Where has the fruit grown that you are holding in your hands? You should ask this question every time you want to stand in the kitchen and clear away your purchases. All sorts of fruits and vegetables like the temperatures they know from their home country: celery, carrots or apples, for example, like it cool, because they know the occasionally low temperatures from their production areas. Tropical fruits or Mediterranean vegetables, on the other hand, can not handle cold temperatures; they would suffer cold damage and lose their aroma. Oranges, bananas, peppers, tomatoes & Co. are therefore not in the fridge.

Best storage conditions for bananas

One thing is very clear: Bananas should never be stored in the fridge, as they become gray and brown in the cold and increasingly mushy. But under what conditions do bananas last longest?

By the way, it does not matter if bananas get overripe: For a delicious banana cake or banana quark, the especially sweet ripened bananas are the perfect choice!