How is the anthurium (flamingo flower) properly fertilized?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ultimate ANTHURIUM (Flamingo Flower) Care Guide — Ep 195
Video: Ultimate ANTHURIUM (Flamingo Flower) Care Guide — Ep 195


The anthurium is very nutrient-hungry

How is the anthurium (flamingo flower) properly fertilized?

In order for the flamingo flower to bloom magnificently and form strong foliage, it must be regularly fertilized like all plants. However, instinct is needed, because errors in the care acknowledged the magnificent flowering miracle quite quickly with leaf discoloration or it drives although many leaves, the flower formation, however, is missing. It is also important not to fertilize only when the anthurium already shows deficiency symptoms.

Here you can find out:

Which means are suitable?

Anthuriums can be supplied with a commercial liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. Long-lasting fertilizer sticks are also good. If the plant is in hydroponic culture, be sure to use a special hydroponic fertilizer!

When is fertilized?

Although the anthurium often blooms on the windowsill all year round, the plant does a good hibernation of about eight weeks. Do not fertilize at this time and resume the usual fertilization interval in the spring.

How often is fertilized?

Most indoor plants should routinely be supplied with nutrients once a week. The flamingo flower, on the other hand, only needs a fertilizer supply every two weeks. Accordingly, fertilizer sticks last twice as long as indicated on the packaging.

How much fertilizer can be administered?

Over-fertilization leads to damage in all plants and should be avoided at all costs. For weak-earners such as the Anthurie the half-dose of a commercial liquid fertilizer is sufficient. Halve the fertilizer sticks and put only half of the specified amount in the soil.

Hydroculture is fertilized less frequently. Here it may be sufficient to fertilize the flamingo flower only two or three times during the entire growth period. Again, only administer half of the dosage indicated on the package.


If you fertilize, the soil should not be too dry, because that could damage the roots. It has proven to be economical to pour sparingly first and to administer the water with the fertilizer only a few hours later.