The flamingo flower has brown spots on the leaves: causes and remedies

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Anthurium Rescue ~ Care Guide ~ Flamingo Flower Care
Video: Anthurium Rescue ~ Care Guide ~ Flamingo Flower Care


Too much moisture harms the anthurium

The flamingo flower has brown spots on the leaves: causes and remedies

The anthurium is one of the evergreens on the windowsill. With a little instinct, the plant develops splendidly and is a beautiful room decoration with its intensely colored bracts and flower pistils. Unfortunately, she also reacts very sensitively to care mistakes. Often she gets then brown spots on the leaves.

This can be caused by:

How should be poured?

The natural habitat of the flamingo flower is tropical rainforests, where it thrives as a heroin plant or in the light shade of the giant trees. Therefore, you need a uniformly moist, but not soaked, substrate and sufficient humidity. If these conditions are not met, the plant often reacts with brown spots on the leaves.

You can remedy this as follows:

Fight pests

The tiny little spider mites suck the sap from the leaves so that they get brown spots and then wither. Frequently, the animals living on the underside of the leaves are barely visible to the naked eye. If you fog the flamingo flower, the webs become visible.

Spider mites are quite persistent and often defy home remedies. So that they do not spread further, the anthurium should first be set individually. Then treat the plant with a suitable agent.

The leaf spot disease

In this, the leaf spots are quite characteristic: The brown spots usually have a yellow yard, which stands out clearly from the green by a black border. Cut back the affected leaves and apply an additional spray that kills the fungus.


Anthuriums are quite sensitive to insecticides and fungicides. Therefore, first test the drug on a single sheet and wait a few days. If the foliage shows no damage, you can treat the whole plant.