Fascinating Tillandsia species - A selection to rummage through

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Air Plants (Tillandsias) - The Joy and Ease of Growing Air Plants
Video: Air Plants (Tillandsias) - The Joy and Ease of Growing Air Plants


The Tillandsia cyanea is one of the most beautiful Tillandsia species

Fascinating Tillandsia species - A selection to rummage through

With more than 550 species, the fascinating genus of Tillandsia presents us with the agony of choice. Botanists distinguish between green rainforest Tillandsia and gray desert Tillandsiae.We have looked around among the best breeders and put together a selection of the most beautiful species and varieties for you.

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Gray desert Tillandsien - sensational and easy care

The following Tillandsia species owe their name to a delicate, gray hair. In their subtropical and tropical habitats, they pick up the morning dew on their potted plants via this path. At its location on the bright windowsill, the care is limited to regular spraying with soft water. From March to September liquid fertilizer is added to the spray water, because the nutrients also reach the plant via the fine hairs.

Tillandsia caput-medusae is one of the high-carat species within the species-rich species family. The Medusenhaupt trumps with snake-like leaves and a stature height of up to 40 cm. Her narrow tubular flowers are blue-red in color and appear in early summer. Mounted on wood or stone, the distinctive Tillandsie acts as a living decoration in bright, humid places.

Green Rainforest Tillandsia - Beautiful species for the windowsill

Green Tillandsia species thrive primarily in the rainforest. They are flexible because they grow both epiphytically and terrestrially in low-light, moist layers. You can cultivate the following varieties in the pot or attach them to a substrate without substrate to decorate the east and west windows:

Tillandsia floribunda should not be missed in this multi-faceted species overview. This extraordinary species produces several flowers that rise above a dense leafy shrub. Tillandsia punctulata grows similarly furious, which delights us with a red-green inflorescence, which surround violet bracts. With a stature height of up to 50 cm, this splendor can not be overlooked even in low-light situations.


Does your Tillandsie keep the longed-for flowers? Then place a fully ripe apple next to the quavering exotine and ideally put on a transparent hood over it. The fruit exudes the mature gas ethylene, which brings the Tillandsie to bloom within a short time.