Lupins can be multiplied in three ways

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to GROW LUPINS from SEEDS With All CARE Tips [113 Days UPDATES]
Video: How to GROW LUPINS from SEEDS With All CARE Tips [113 Days UPDATES]


Lupins can be multiplied in three ways

Lupins train so many seeds that you can easily collect them yourself. But also by the division of roots or the cutting of cuttings, the hardy ornamental plants can multiply and cultivate perennial in the garden.

Previous article Lupins need little care

The three methods of propagation of lupins

Pull lupines out of seeds

Lupines are the easiest to grow from seeds. You can even collect the seeds from flowered flower spikes or buy them from the specialist shop. Here you have the choice between colorful mixtures and monochrome lupine varieties.

The seed is sown either in the fall or spring right on the spot in the garden. Alternatively, you can also use seed pans to pull them forward and later put the seedlings in the garden or in a bucket.

Note that the seed of ornamental lupins is poisonous and needs to be kept out of the reach of children and animals.

Division of the lupine root

If the lupins have become very large and you have to dig them out anyway for space reasons, you can share the roots for propagation.

It is not easy to get the whole root undamaged out of the ground, because the lupine forms very long roots. Be careful not to damage the root system too much when digging or splitting.

The root is pierced with a spade so that at least five eyes remain on each section.Then the root pieces are planted at the desired location and poured well.

Cut cuttings for propagation

The lupine bush forms new shoots in the middle of the plant. These are cut as far down as possible in early spring, if they are at least ten inches long.

The cut pieces are placed in a nursery bed or a deep cultivation dish and kept well moist. After about six weeks, the cuttings have formed enough roots so you can plant them in the garden or a bucket.

Tips & Tricks

Lupins are often grown as green manure in the garden or on fields. These plants develop unlike the ornamental shrubs no impressive inflorescences, but are rather inconspicuous. When buying, look for seeds or plants that are designated as ornamental plants.