Houseleek - propagation via daughter rosettes and seeds

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Propagate Echeveria PVN | GSwLK
Video: How to Propagate Echeveria PVN | GSwLK


To multiply house root is easy

Houseleek - propagation via daughter rosettes and seeds

Similar to strawberries, house shrimp (Sempervivum) multiply via offshoots (so-called daughter rosettes) and seeds. And just as with the red fruits, the vegetative propagation of the thick-leafed plants succeeds very easily, while the seed-growing is of little promise.

Early Article Houseleek needs little care Next article Wintering house root - no problem!

To multiply house root over daughter rosettes

In general, the houseleek blooms only once, then die off. However, this only applies to the flowering rosette, because the previously formed daughter rosettes provide a continuation of life of the plant. Many home-root species develop rosettes at the earliest in the second year, some even after flowering. You can just leave the rosettes where they are and keep the plants growing. However, if the new house roots are to be placed in another planter or transplanted to another location, you can proceed as follows:

The ideal time for such a measure is the spring or early summer, when the plants are already calibrated for strong growth.

Sowing house root

Another possibility is the propagation of houseleek via seeds. Especially rare species are often only available as seeds or you want to use the seeds obtained from your own plants. Since house sausages belong to the Kaltkeimern, the seeds should be exposed to a cold irritation, in order to break the germ inhibition. When sowing, it is best to do the following:

Later, you can pique the young plants and plant individually.


In contrast to the daughter rosettes, seedlings are not species-specific - so if you want to multiply the plants by seeds, where will surprise you one or the other in the house!