How is Thai basil to be cared for?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Thai basil - grow, care & eat (Thailand basil)
Video: Thai basil - grow, care & eat (Thailand basil)


How is Thai basil to be cared for?

Thai basil has cult status within the multifaceted basil genus. The question arises whether the Asian herb differs in the care of classical varieties. The following care instructions provide all important answers.

How to pour Thai basil?

In humid substrate Thai basil flourishes excellently. Always allow the surface to dry before watering the next time. Put herbs in the pot in water for a short time to pour from below.

In which rhythm is fertilized?

Like all conspecifics, Thai basil is one of the heavyweights. Then frequency and dosage of fertilizer take into account as follows:

If you plant Thai basil in pre-fertilized soil, the first dose of fertilizer will be given at the earliest after 4-6 weeks.

How is Thai basil cut?

The pruning pursues several goals. The priority is to harvest the spicy leaves. In addition, a section of the bushy branching serves and prevents the flowering. How to do it right:

Is there a possibility of hibernation?

In terms of the need for warmth, Thai basil is no exception. Nevertheless, the lemon basil Bai Maenglak is so robust that hibernation is worth a try. This is how you approach the challenge:

Tips & Tricks

Always keep an eye on plant health when looking after Thai basil. It threatens diseases such as mildew, leaf spots and mosaic virus infection. A lovingly hanged herbal plant has the best resistance to lurking pathogens. If necessary, the handle to biological control agents quickly remedy.