How can you fertilize chives?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Fertilize Chives : The Chef’s Garden
Video: How to Fertilize Chives : The Chef’s Garden


How can you fertilize chives?

Fertilizing herbs is an art. Most culinary herbs need fewer nutrients, which is why regular fertilization is rather not indicated. Not so with chives: The popular leeks have a very high nutrient requirement and should therefore not only be on humus soil, but also be supplied with additional nutrients.

Prefer organic fertilizers

Culinary herbs are grown primarily for consumption and should therefore come into contact with as little chemistry as possible. This is especially true for the chives, this is usually eaten raw. However, the high nutritional requirements of this herb can be easily covered without expensive synthetic fertilizers from the garden center. Ripe compost - this is dark brown, rather crumbly and has a pleasant earthy smell - as well as manure (be careful with chicken or pigeon dung, this is particularly nitrogenous and therefore only moderately to use) and horn shavings are optimal to the plant at the beginning of the growing season Supply spring with it. During the summer you can use a biological liquid fertilizer for vegetables.

Use kitchen waste for fertilizing?

Maybe you have heard this tip from your grandmother: For the fertilization of herbs, certain kitchen waste is perfect. Egg shells, for example, do not need to be thrown away, instead you can crush them and dissolve them in the irrigation water. They are a great fertilizer for calcareous plants. Also coffee grounds are good for chives, it is a mild fertilizer, which is simply incorporated into the soil. However, you should be very sparing with coffee grounds, because it makes the soil sour - but chives need a more alkaline pH.

Chive fertilize in the garden and in the pot

Basically, herbs planted in the garden need to be fertilized much less often than potted plants - although this also depends heavily on how long the chives are already in the soil in question. Pot chives, which are repotted once a year, usually needs no fertilizer - commercially available soil is heavily pre-fertilized, so that an additional supply is not necessary. If, on the other hand, the plant is not regularly repotted or has been standing in the same spot in the garden for several years, fertilization is indicated approximately every three to four weeks. For this you can use special herbal fertilizer or liquid vegetable fertilizer.

Tips & Tricks

Instead of liquid fertilizers, you can also use organic long-term fertilizers - so-called fertilizer pellets. These are simply incorporated into the soil in spring and release nutrients at regular intervals - so you can not forget the fertilizer and your plants are supplied.