Tips for caring for the turtle plant

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4/100 Turtle Vine Callisia Repens Succulent Care Guide 🇵🇭
Video: 4/100 Turtle Vine Callisia Repens Succulent Care Guide 🇵🇭


The turtle plant has a tank like that of a turtle

Tips for caring for the turtle plant

The turtle plant (Dioscorea elephantipes) owes its name to the unusual appearance of its storage organs, reminiscent of the shell of a turtle. The succulent is a rarity, whose care is more in the hands of a garden expert. How to care for the turtle plant.

What should you watch out for when watering the turtle plant?

Before you pour the turtle plant, check that the substrate is already well dry. If the storage organ shows dents, it is high time to give some water.

Pour gently. The inside of the root ball should just be moist. Waterlogging is harmful. Keep the plant too dry rather than too wet.

How is the succulent plant fertilized?

Fertilization takes place from May to September. Use a liquid fertilizer for succulents. Slightly reduce the amount indicated on the packaging to avoid over-fertilization.

When and how do you cut turtle plants?

A special feature of the turtle plant is that the tendrils only grow once a year. You must not cut the dried tendrils until the leaves have fallen off.

What do you have to pay attention to when repotting?

In the spring you should check if the turtle plant still has enough space in the pot. To do this, puff them out and shake off the old substrate. Examine if the roots are healthy.

If necessary, place the plant in a larger pot. Renew the substrate. Suitable is cactus earth.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Too much wet rots the plant. The turtle plant is quite susceptible to mildew. Cut out affected areas and then treat the plant with a solution of fresh milk and water.

Aphids are more common. An infestation should be treated immediately with appropriate measures.

How do you care for turtle plants in winter?

The turtle plant does not tolerate low temperatures below twelve degrees. At the latest, when the tendrils have lost their leaves, move the plant to its winter location. This should be dark and provide temperatures up to 15 degrees.

To prevent the turtle plant from drying out, occasionally wet it with some water in winter.


The turtle plant can be multiplied by seeds. In indoor culture, however, it rarely develops fertilized flowers, so you may need to get seed from the dealer.