Lavender lignified - What to do?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
5 Tips to Growing Lavender Perfectly No Matter Where You Live
Video: 5 Tips to Growing Lavender Perfectly No Matter Where You Live


Lavender lignified - What to do?

The Mediterranean lavender is a popular garden and balcony plant due to its intense fragrance and lush flowers. However, so that the perennial plant still thrives and flourishes after many years, it must be cut regularly.

Lavender grows with age

Lavender is characterized by a relatively long and lush flowering period and also tends to become quite large very quickly. Bushes planted out in the garden can be up to 20 or even 30 years old with good care, although they age more or less strongly as they get older. This is a normal process, because the older shoots of lavender wood from below. From this wood, however, neither leaves nor flowers arise, which is why the lavender often ages in old age.

Rejuvenate lavender by regular pruning

This can only be avoided by regular pruning, but not completely prevented. Therefore, the annual cutting of lavender is immensely important, but you should consider the right time.Cut your plants in spring if possible, before the first new shoots rain, at least by half. The cut-away old branches can no longer lignify, but the bush is all the more stimulated to form new, young shoots. Make sure not to cut into old wood.

Sharing older plants not possible

Old, heavily lignified lavender bushes are usually not to rejuvenate and not to divide, as it would otherwise be possible with most perennials. A radical rejuvenation cut or a division usually results in the plant entering. They can only try to cut back the old bush so far that only a few centimeters of green wood - ie younger shoots - are left on the lignified parts. The woodiness itself should not be removed. Such pruned shrubs usually go strong again.

Tips & Tricks

If you have an old, heavily lignified lavender in the garden, cut some cuttings and plant them. The old bush can not be saved in many cases, but can be used as a mother plant for young lavender.