To maintain your Waldsteinia - the best tips and tricks

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Low Maintenance, High Impact Median Planting
Video: Low Maintenance, High Impact Median Planting


The Waldsteinia likes to be wet

To maintain your Waldsteinia - the best tips and tricks

The golden strawberry or Waldsteinie (Latin Waldstenia ternata) is one of the few plants that bloom even in the shade. It is ideal for the planting of darker garden corners or for planting trees and shrubs.

Plant the Waldsteinie

If you have the choice, then plant the gold strawberry in the semi-shade, where it will bloom more abundantly than in full shade. It is only about 10 - 30 cm high, but it grows up to 60 cm in width. With her rhizome roots and aboveground foothills, she spreads quickly and proliferates independently. So it is ideal as a ground cover. With its dense growth, it even suppresses the spread of weeds.

To quickly fill an area, place about eight to twelve plants of the Waldsteinia per square meter. Put some well rotted compost in the planting hole and pour the gold strawberries well. Also in the next days they need water regularly.

The Waldsteinie pour and fertilize

The non-toxic gold strawberry can tolerate a short dry period, but generally she prefers wet. Then she shows her pretty yellow flowers from April to May. Avoid waterlogging and use water that is as free of lime as possible.

A small dose of organic fertilizer such as horn shavings or well rotted compost in spring and / or autumn is sufficient. Be careful not to damage the branched roots of your gold strawberry when working the fertilizer into the soil.

The waldsteinie in the winter

The gold strawberry is quite hardy and resistant to frost. Her brownish-red autumn color is a decoration for the wintry garden. Remove any fallen leaves from the surrounding trees to prevent the plants from starting to rot. On frost-free days, water your Waldsteinie with lukewarm water that is as lime-free as possible. Only in the first winter you should protect your gold strawberries from frost.

The essentials in brief:


In the shade, the gold strawberry feels most comfortable, which shows you through a lush flowering.