Rejuvenate lavender - how to proceed?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
LAVENDER PROBLEMS | Why is my lavender turning brown | How to save lavender plant from dying
Video: LAVENDER PROBLEMS | Why is my lavender turning brown | How to save lavender plant from dying


Rejuvenate lavender - how to proceed?

Thanks to its compact, lush growth and numerous, intensively fragrant flowers, lavender is an adornment for many gardens and balconies. However, so that the plant still looks pretty after many years and flowers vigorously, it must be regularly cut back.

Lavender lightens with age

Lavender bushes need to be cut back vigorously each year to retain their compact habit and continue to develop fresh shoots and flowers. In contrast, let the plants grow uncut, lignify the lower - older - branches and the lavender is shaved. In addition, the bushes literally fall apart and lose their beautiful, bushy shape. Already lignified branches do not form new shoots and thus no new flowers, and they do not drift as usual after a pruning.

Rejuvenate lavender properly

You can only prevent the lumber and lime of the lavender bushes by cutting back the plants regularly. This is especially important because old, less well-kept lavender is very difficult to rejuvenate. Since it is a subshrub (and not, as some speculate, a perennial), a radical cut only causes the plant to be very likely to come in. Therefore, you should never cut into woody parts, because the bush no longer drives out of it. They can only cut soft branches and hope that the lavender then expelled again strong.

Cut lavender

When cutting woody lavender, proceed as follows:

The best time for such a shape cut is the early spring, even before the first new shoots develop. You can make a second cut in the summer as soon as the lavender has faded. Then cut the bush back about a third. However, this cut should not be done later than the beginning / middle of August, otherwise the plant will lack the power for the winter.

Tips & Tricks

When cutting the spring you should make sure that a few centimeters of shoots, including leaves from last year, stop. This makes it easier for your lavender to go through the new growing season.