The cypress becomes yellow - causes and treatment

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Why Are My Leyland Cypress Trees Turning Brown And What Can I Do About It
Video: Why Are My Leyland Cypress Trees Turning Brown And What Can I Do About It


Too strong dryness, the leaves of the cypress turn yellow

The cypress becomes yellow - causes and treatment

When the cypress in the garden turns yellow or the hedge gets yellow needles, it is almost always a care mistake. Cypresses need more care than other hedge plants. How to prevent the yellowing of the needles.

Causes why a cypress turns yellow

Brown or yellow needles are always an indication of wrong care of the cypress. A brown coloration inside is a normal process, which usually hardly noticeable. Shake the needles off. Sometimes it makes sense to cut the cypress so that more light gets inside the tree.

It is different with yellow and brown needles at the tips. They indicate that the tree is missing something. Causes can be:

Never let cypress dry out

Although cypresses do not like waterlogging at all, the root system should not dry out completely. You need to water a cypress regularly, preferably with rainwater. This is especially true of cypress in the pot.

To avoid waterlogging, the soil must be well drained so that rainwater can drain away. In a bucket you should definitely insert a drainage layer.

Fertilize cypress properly

It is often recommended to fertilize cypress with blue seed. This is not recommended, because on one hand, blue-grain is toxic to animals and on the other hand it promotes the yellowing of cypresses.

If the cypress gets yellow needles, you should fertilize them with Epsom salt. Dissolve the salt in water and pour the cypress with it. This gives the fast-growing tree sufficient nutrients.

Avoid frost damage

Cypresses are only partially hardy. They tolerate minus temperatures at best over a short period of time. If the tree gets too much frost, the needles also turn yellow.

Even worse is lack of water in winter. Cypresses also need to be supplied with water regularly during the cold season. Pour some warmed water on frost-free days.


Cypresses come in very different shades. The color palette ranges from juicy and bright green to blue and yellow. The gold cypress makes yellow needles and is therefore particularly good as a single tree.