Cutting Schefflera - when, how, with what and why?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Easiest way to propagate Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree
Video: Easiest way to propagate Schefflera arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree


With a professional pruning, the Schefflera can be nicely shaped

Cutting Schefflera - when, how, with what and why?

If you take care of them, you can be astonished by their rapid growth. But only with the right cut and the pasen cutting tool in the luggage is what with a bushy growth and a resulting jungle feeling.

Next article With these methods, the Schefflera can multiply!

The best time to prune: late autumn or spring

Cut your ray artery best in the spring. You can tackle the cut by May at the latest. If you have missed this period, you can also cut the plant in late autumn. Basically spring is preferable for this specimen.

Reasons that speak for cutting

Several reasons can make the cutting of the ray artery a meaningful action among others this one:

How do you cut the Schefflera?

Parts of plants that are still lush green in color can be cut with sharp and clean scissors. A sharp kitchen knife is also suitable for her. If the parts of the plant are already lignified, you should prefer to use a secateurs. For old and very thick shoots, a pruning shears or a saw must be used.

Precision cutting - nothing can go wrong

Without a cut, the ray artery shoots up like a candle. At some point, she can no longer stand by herself and kinks. She then needs a support z. B. a bamboo stick. To get around that, you should cut your Schefflera regularly.

Here are a few tips that can help you with cutting:

Radical section is tolerated

This tropical plant even withstands a radical pruning. This may become necessary if it has become too big or completely outdated. Do not worry: the Schefflera is so vigorous that it quickly quits.

Use clippings for propagation

You can then use the cut shoots, for example, to multiply the Schefflera. When placed in a glass of water or a pot of potting soil, they quickly rooted. The prerequisite for this is a bright and preferably warm room.


Dispose of the clippings of the ray artery! It is poisonous and pets or young children could eat it and cause physical ailments.