Red ants in the garden - this is how you contribute to the conservation of species

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Killer Ant Swarm Butchers Lone Scorpion | Superswarm | BBC Earth
Video: Killer Ant Swarm Butchers Lone Scorpion | Superswarm | BBC Earth


Red ants eat pests!

Red ants in the garden - this is how you contribute to the conservation of species

Those who consider red ants in the garden as pests fail to appreciate their beneficial contribution to the preservation of the ecological balance. Therefore, the gifted nesters and ingenious survivors are under strict protection. However, you are not forced to share your garden with the people. We will gladly explain to you how to recognize the rare ant species and convince it with a gentle method of an alternative place of residence.

Characteristic features enable unequivocal identification

The Red Ant does not bear her name of something. Her body is predominantly red. Only head and legs have dark, black-brown spots. From other forest ants, it differs by a clear hair on the chest and top of the head. The workers are 4.5 to 9.0 millimeters in size. Queens and males reach a body length of up to 11 millimeters.

If red ants choose your garden as their residence, you now have a squeaky clean green kingdom. The omnivores eat from shield lice to larvae to mice, which they can get hold of.

However, with two characteristics, red wood ants are very unpopular. The insects have strong mouthparts with which they can distribute painful bites. In addition, their construction can take on monumental dimensions of up to 3 meters in height.

Ants relocate with the flower pot trick - that's how it works

If you have discovered red ants in the garden in due time due to their eye-catching body color, you will simply repatriate the people in accordance with the law on species protection. This is how it works:

This tempting shelter can not resist the forest ants and embarrass their nest in one of the pots. When the move is complete, slide a spade under the pot and carry it to a place in the coniferous or mixed forest.


Red ants avoid being close to humans. In contrast, the Black Way Ant (Lasius niger) has fewer scruples, cheeky to lay their nests under the pavement of terraces or garden paths and turn them into dangerous stumbling blocks. By using special joint sand during installation, such as Dansand Top Lock, you can effectively pre-colonize ants.