Head cut at Linden - a common practice

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kitchen Nightmares US S07E05 part 1
Video: Kitchen Nightmares US S07E05 part 1


The head section should be better left to professionals

Head cut at Linden - a common practice

The cut of the head is a pretty radical way of getting Linden in shape. Especially in show gardens, however, it is common practice - and here, due to the professional staff, no problem. Because the head cut wants to be skillful, so as not to harm the tree.

What is a head cut?

The incised head is a very strongly reducing method of crown cutting. With it deciduous trees are intensely domesticated for aesthetic purposes and educated to maximum uniformity. Therefore, "beheaded" trees are also found mainly in botanical and other show gardens where accurate trellises are created. Linden trees, along with plane trees or horse chestnuts, are popular candidates for this molding practice, as they generally tolerate it well.

When cutting the head, the treetop is kept to a minimum extent throughout. For this purpose, you shorten all shoots every year to just above the Bud approaches. In these places, the tree drives out again and again - and is capped there in the following year. As a result, these bodies thicken and become the "heads" that give the method its name.

The head cutting method at a glance:

Critical aspects

Of course, such a radical cutting method is actually unnatural and should be carefully considered for the biological balance of the tree. After all, the root, stem and crown of each tree should actually form a static balance. It is true that in hardly any garden is there enough space to give undisrupted development to a linden tree with up to 30 m in height growth and a crown span of up to 15 m. An occasional, simple crown pruning is certainly sufficient here in most cases and for the linden also completely unproblematic.

Since the cut of the head is quite a massive intervention in the natural growth biology of lime tree, no mistakes should happen. The most important rules are:

The best way to do a head cutting is by professionals.