What you should know about the buds of European beech

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
European beech (Fagus sylvatica) - the most common tree species from Romania
Video: European beech (Fagus sylvatica) - the most common tree species from Romania


Leaves or flowers may sprout from the buds of European beech

What you should know about the buds of European beech

The buds of the red beech trees, just like the leaves of the deciduous tree, have a quite characteristic shape. It can also be seen before the leaves emerge in spring that a tree is a European beech. Worth knowing about the buds of European beech.

This is how the buds of European beech look like

The bud is protected by a shell. It consists of small leaves that overlap one another like scales. When budding, the scale armor breaks and leaves and flowers unfold.

Beech-tree buds are very firmly attached to the branches and can only be removed with difficulty.

The budding budding starts in spring

The buds of the red beech are already created in the previous year. They are easy to recognize because they form small thickenings on the shoots.

The budding budding starts in spring. From the buds sprout both the leaves and the inconspicuous flowers.

Until the beginning of flowering at the end of April, the leaves have fully developed.

Only older red beeches develop flower buds

From the buds of young red beech trees develop only leaves. It takes up to 20 years for a tree to flower for the first time.

The fruits of the red beech, the slightly poisonous beechnuts, appear even later. A European beech can only be cultivated at the age of about 40 years, so it only becomes fruit in which seeds mature.

Since red-ear hedge trees are cut frequently, the buds grow almost exclusively leaves, as the flower buds are removed when cutting back.

When cutting, leave at least three buds

If you cut the beech so that it branches out well, you have to leave three buds on each of the young shoots. From them develop the new impulses. If the buds are cut off, the beech can not branch.


The end buds are at the top of the shoot, it is certainly a beech. In the very similar-looking hornbeam, the end buds are laterally on the shoot. They are also a little smaller.