Winter Schopflavendel - How to get your plants through the winter

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Schmetterlingslavendel Schopflavendel Lavandula stoechas pflegen düngen gießen Standort überwintern
Video: Schmetterlingslavendel Schopflavendel Lavandula stoechas pflegen düngen gießen Standort überwintern


Winter Schopflavendel - How to get your plants through the winter

The Schopflavendel is a very sun-drenched plant, which originates from the milder coastal regions of the Mediterranean area. Therefore, this type of lavender tolerates no frost at all, so that a corresponding winter quarters is needed.

Early article The care of the Schopflavendels Next article Edible Schopflavendel is very aromatic

Schopflavendel needs a bright and cool place

However, you should not overwinter the plants in the heated living room, because Schopflavendel needs in the cold season between five to ten degrees Celsius cool - but frost-free - location. In addition, it should be as bright as possible, so a dark cellar or the like is not very suitable. It is better to overwinter the plants in an attic, in the garden house, in the unheated bedroom or in a (not draughty) staircase. In addition, the Schopflavendel needs water even in winter, but you should proceed with care. Just water the plant so much that the soil does not dry out. Wet soil often leads to root rot in winter and the Schopflavendel dies.

Tips & Tricks

From March / April you can put the lavender on the open air for hours on warm days. However, slowly get the plant into the sun and bring it back in at night.