Cut garlic with success

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network
Video: Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network


Preferred cut garlic can be planted in mid-May

Cut garlic with success

Whether in the pot on the balcony or in the bed in the field - cut garlic is considered easy to clean. But only on the condition that the cultivation does not go wrong and its location requirements are considered ...

When is the best planting time or time for sowing?

If you want to plant a preferred cut garlic, you can start this procedure from mid / end of May. Significantly, no night frosts are to be expected outside. These do not tolerate the young plantlets. If you want to cut out the chopped garlic with your own hands, you may prefer it from March onwards or sow it from the end of April until September at the latest.

How is the sowing of chopped garlic going?

The seeds of cut garlic are cold and dark germ. After experiencing a cold period, sow them 1 to 2 cm deep into the ground. In the next few weeks, the earth will keep moist with the seeds. After 14 to 28 days germinate the seeds. The ideal germination temperature is 20 ° C.

After the seedlings have been visible and small plantlets have emerged from them, they can be piqued. When planting in pots or in the bed a distance of 25 cm should be kept between the individual plants. Between rows, it is important to pay attention to a distance of 40 cm.

What site requirements does cutting garlic have?

Cut garlic needs a sunny to full sun location. The penumbra is its tolerance limit. If it is cultivated on the balcony or on the windowsill, should be placed on a south facing value. The plant substrate should at best meet the following characteristics:

When can the herb be harvested?

Once planted, cut garlic can be harvested for several years. It is hardy and if it was already planted in the previous year, the harvest can begin in March. Until late summer, its edible leaves and flowers can be harvested and used for salads and soups.


Do not plant cut garlic in the vicinity of cabbage, beans and peas. He can not make friends with these neighbors. On the other hand, he likes the proximity to cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and strawberries and rewards this neighborhood with less need for care.