Grow roses rootless - so it succeeds

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening
Video: 8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening


The augmentation of roses is easier than it seems at first glance

Grow roses rootless - so it succeeds

The rose propagation is a very special chapter in itself, because not every type of rose and variety can be propagated in a simple vegetative way. Quite uncomplicated, this is still possible with the various wild rose species as well as with climbing roses and some shrub roses. In contrast, many bedding and noble roses can only be obtained by grafting or grafting, while the propagation of cuttings is extremely laborious and seldom successful. Unless you yourself refine or want to do such by a professional, the self-propagated roses are always rootless.

Formerly fertilize roses three times a year Next article Roughen roses made easy - step-by-step instructions

Propagation by cuttings

One of the simpler species of rose propagation is the multiplication by cuttings, which are best cut in August. Cut off two more shoots per desired cutlet, as experience has shown that the success rate is around 30 percent.

The rooted young roses can finally be transplanted to their destination in the spring of the following year.

Multiply roses by sticks

Another possibility of vegetative rose propagation is made by Steckhölzer that - in contrast to cuttings - not in the summer, but in late autumn or winter are cut. It is a completely woody rose shoot from which all leaves are removed. Sticks should be between 20 and 30 centimeters long.

Use of root shoots for propagation

Many roses, v. a. Climbing roses, multiply themselves by root shoots. Of course, you can also use these for propagation, but only for rooty rose varieties. Rooted shoots can not be used on ocellated or refined roses, as they are not derived from the hybrid itself, but from its rootstock - incidentally, these are often more robust wild rose species. For this reason you should always remove Wurzelschösslinge with grafted roses, otherwise the pad gains the upper hand and repels the finish soon. Otherwise, simply prick the root shoots with a spade and pry them out of the ground with the aid of a gravel scoop. These young plants can be transplanted immediately to the desired location.

Pull the rose bush out of seeds

Wild roses as well as some shrub and edelrosen can be propagated by seeds, after all, these rose species often develop rose hips containing semen - as long as they are left undisturbed and do not immediately cut off the blooms. Incidentally, some rambler roses can be duplicated in this way. Proceed with the multiplication as follows:

Many noble and Beetrosen can be won only by refinement

In particular, edel and Beetrosen are increased especially by refinement. By the way, you can grow your own roses yourself, but you need a certain amount of fingertip feeling for grafting or grafting. That is why we have explained these techniques for you in an extra article.


Beware, not all varieties of roses you can just multiply so yourself! Many new breed rose varieties are under plant variety protection and you are liable to prosecution for any propagation, as you are infringing the copyright.