So the marigold brings floral momentum in the country house garden

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer
Video: Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer


The marigold is an attractive medicinal plant for garden and balcony

So the marigold brings floral momentum in the country house garden

The marigold must not be missing in the creative planting plan for the natural flowerbed, the rustic farmer's garden or the summery balcony. The versatile talented calendula also convinces as a cut flower, bee pasture, healing and indulgence plant. And that's not all, the summer flower in the garden serves as an effective aid to the shooter and promotes the growth of vegetable and fruit plants. Reason enough to delve into the following answers to frequently asked questions, all about professional cultivation.

Plant marigold properly

Marigolds immigrated to us from ancient times from the Mediterranean, have no frost hardiness. Consequently, do not plant the calendula in the bed until the beginning / middle of May. The following short instructions show how it works:

Press the earth with your hands. In the end, water regularly on the day of planting and in the period that follows, in order to promote rooting.
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care Tips

If Calendula receives the following care program, the flowers thank you for the little effort with a never-ending, romantic flower floret:

From August, leave some withered heads on the stems, turning them into bizarrely shaped seeds. Thanks to this prudence, self-sowing is guaranteed for the next year.
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Which location is suitable?

In the sunny to partially shaded spot, marigolds bloom tirelessly well into autumn. This floral bravura accomplish the daisy family in any garden soil, as long as it is nutrient-rich, calcareous, permeable and free from waterlogging.
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The right planting distance

While a single marigold with bed looks lonely and abandoned, a picturesque garden picture unfolds in groups. Place the young Calendula in a planting distance of 25-30 cm in the earth. At this distance, you also separate your seedlings in the field. In the balcony box and bucket reduce this distance to 15-20 cm, due to the special spatial conditions.
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Which soil does the plant need?

A common garden soil offers marigolds best conditions. Look out for a nutritious, medium-heavy soil, which may be chalky and fresh structured to sandy-dry. In the pot and balcony box, we recommend a commercially available potting soil, which you optimize with a little sand or Perlite.
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What is the best planting time?

For ready-drawn calendula, the excerpt of the saints celebrates the beginning of the planting season. The cold Sophie has finally said goodbye on 15 May, threatened usually no more ground frosts. For the direct sowing of winter-proof marigold seeds, however, the time window already opens at the end of March / beginning of April.
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When is flowering time?

Regularly wipe out withered flower heads. This creates a neat appearance and ensures that the subsequent calendula buds are not prevented from unfolding. This effort is rewarded with a never-ending flowering period from May / June to October / November.
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Cut calendula properly

To use the marigold as a nostalgic vase jewelry or for the romantic Biedermeier bouquet, cut off the most beautiful stems with just opened flowers. On the other hand, if you would like to use the outer petals as a saffron substitute or as a decoration, wait a few days to allow the calendula to soak up the sun for the full aroma. Furthermore, we recommend cutting off the withered heads to the nearest bud. In this way you clear the way for ever new flowers until the first frost.
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Pour marigold

A constant water supply is one of the mainstays in the professional care of Calendula. Water your romantic bouquets whenever the surface of the soil or substrate has dried. Check the current casting requirements with a thumb sample, so as not to accidentally cause waterlogging.
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Fertilize calendula properly

Regular fertilization of marigolds is not mandatory in the farmer's garden, the vegetable patch or in borders. Here they are content with what the planting neighbors leave behind. If Calendula spreads its picturesque flower magic in the pot or flower box, you can not avoid regular nutrition. In pre-fertilized substrate stocks are consumed within 6 weeks. Fertilize therefore from the end of June / beginning of July every 3-4 weeks with a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.
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While the calendula on adjacent ornamental and crop plants stimulates growth, it is itself not immune to disease. First and foremost, the fungal infection causes mildew of a calendula. If a floury-gray coating spreads on the top and bottom of the leaves, cut off all infected parts of the plant. Then treat the flower with a mix of 1 liter of water and 125 ml of fresh milk (no H-milk) until no patina develops on the foliage.
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With pests, you will not have to worry about calendula. Instead, marigolds fend off voracious snails, aphids, and other vermin from themselves and from the planting neighbors. In the ecologically managed hobby garden, expert gardeners make use of these summer flowers as a natural protective shield for valuable ornamental and useful plants.
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Most of the Calendula species are not hardy due to their Mediterranean origin. If temperatures fall below freezing, the flowers will die. Thanks to an innovative new breeding, you now have winter-proof marigolds that bloom almost all year round. The line WinterWonders brings us different varieties that endure up to - 15 degrees Celsius. Her flower dress will dress the modern hybrids as soon as the temperatures exceed the 5-degree mark. A winter shelter in the form of foliage and brushwood is required on these floral gems only in layers with freezing frost.
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Marigold proliferate

In late summer, leave some flowers on your calendula to harvest the curling seeds in the fall. If that's too much trouble, buy the low-priced seeds from specialist retailers. A time-consuming cultivation behind glass you can save yourself, because direct sowing succeeds as follows:

At 12 to 18 degrees Celsius, germination takes 7 to 14 days. Keep the bed constantly slightly damp and ideally protect it with a fine-meshed net. Later, separate the seedlings to a distance of 25 cm.
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Marigold in the pot

In the pot and balcony box, sow the seeds directly from April. This will save you the purchase of preferred calendula. In the same move marigolds take in this way better foot in the plant soil. Sprinkle the seeds on the sand-enriched potting soil. The light germinators are then screened a maximum of 5 mm high with substrate and moistened with a fine shower. The strongest seedlings will later isolate you to a distance of 15-20 cm. So the care runs in regulated ways:

If it's the new, hardy Calendula WinterWonders, wrap the jar with bubble wrap before putting it on the first frost and place it on a wooden block. The non-frost-resistant marigolds are either disposed of or relocated to the bright, frost-free winter quarters. At temperatures of 8-10 degrees Celsius, you only rarely water and do not give fertilizer until the next spring.
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Is calendula poisonous?

The marigold is bulging with valuable ingredients. There is therefore no question of a poison content in the medicinal plant of the year 2019. On the contrary, Calendula relieves unpleasant stomach and intestinal complaints as a tea preparation and heals as an ointment skin diseases of all kinds. But that is not enough, the flowers can be consumed without hesitation. In the creative kitchen, the colorful tongue flowers act as a pretty decoration for cold and hot dishes.
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For centuries, the marigold has been used by farmers and gardeners as a reliable weather prophet. Have a look at the flowers between 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning. If these are already wide open, you can look forward to a sunny, dry summer day. In threatening rainy weather, the cup flowers remain closed. By the way, Calendula are the classics for the ancient guessing game: she loves me, she does not love me.
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Beautiful varieties