Wintering house root - no problem!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easy ways to store vegetables through winter, from harvests in summer and autumn
Video: Easy ways to store vegetables through winter, from harvests in summer and autumn


The Hauswurz does not mind snow and cold

Wintering house root - no problem!

Like so many thick-leafed plants, the house-root (Sempervivum) is characterized by an extreme contentment. The outdoor succulents available in numerous shapes and colors defy dryness as well as great heat or cold. Therefore, the mountain plants can safely overwinter in the open air.

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If possible, overwinter house roots in the open air

Domestic sausages are originally located mainly in the high mountains such as the Alps, the Balkans or the Caucasus. As mountain plants, they are very tolerant of unfavorable living conditions, at least as far as dryness and cold are concerned. Only moisture and waterlogging are not tolerated, which can be a problem in wet winters. Even very deep and persistent frost does not affect the plants at all. For this reason, house sausages can also overwinter in the pot unprotected outdoors, but should be preserved from ice or water.


Plant the succulents in as little lean soil as possible - the less, the better. However, good drainage should be provided so that excess water can drain away as quickly as possible.