How can Montbretien be multiplied?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to plant Crocosmia corms (Montbretia) -
Video: How to plant Crocosmia corms (Montbretia) -


If you can not get enough of Montbretien, you can simply multiply yourself

How can Montbretien be multiplied?

Montbretien are very popular flowering plants, because they set attractive accents in the perennial flowerbed with their beautifully shaped foliage and the bright, exotic flower colors. Completely uncomplicated is not only the care of Montbretie, it can also easily reproduce itself.

Early article Montbretien: This care needs the pretty iris plant Next article How are Montbretien really wintered?

Propagation by division

The storage organs of Montbretie form abundant secondary tubers, which grow into large clumps over the years. About every three years, you should carefully dig up and divide them. This is also important to maintain the flowering of Montbretie. As the stolons of the Montbretie grow outwards and downwards, the plant in the middle of the cane becomes more and more lazy and drives mainly leaves.

Since the heavy-eating Montbretien should be implemented every three to four years anyway, this is a good opportunity to remove the small tubers and also use in a new location. They continue to grow there quickly and often flower in the same year.

Propagation by seeds

Sometimes the Montbretien seed, which you can use for the propagation. For this to succeed, you should harvest the seeds in any case before the first frost. The ideal sowing date is from February, as the sprouted plants can then move to the field in the same year.


Place the pots in a bright, warm place and ventilate them daily to prevent mold and rot. Several weeks may pass before germination.


Montbretien thrive well in the tub, provided you give the plants a sufficiently large planter. With their tightly upright leaves and the bright orange or red colored flowers, they are attractive center of the balcony or terrace greenery.