How are Montbretien really wintered?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Crocosmia (Montbretia) Division and Growing - making new plants
Video: Crocosmia (Montbretia) Division and Growing - making new plants


In cold regions Montbretien should be dug out in the fall for wintering

How are Montbretien really wintered?

Montbretien love the summer heat and bloom very hot in hot years. However, winter does not like the delicate garden beauties. If you live in a region where more frost is threatening, you should spend the winter months in Montbretien in the house.

Previous article How can Montbretia be propagated?

Dig up Montbretien in autumn

In areas with harsh climates, the stolons, the underground storage organs of the Montbretie, must be carefully excavated. Proceed as follows:

Store the tubers dark, cool and frost-free. Well suited is a basement room or the garage.

Provide winter protection in mild regions

If you live in an area where it does not get colder than minus ten degrees in the winter, you can also spend the winter outside in the Montbretien. Do not cut the Montbretien in this case, because the above-ground parts of the plant serve as a natural cold protection.

Spread over the tubers and foliage a generous layer of foliage or mulch, which you also complain with brushwood to avoid blowing the warm blanket. Since the plant material is permeable to air, oxygen can pass through it unhindered and decay is effectively prevented.


Would you like to overwinter the Montbretien in the house, the use of plant containers is recommended. These protect the Montbretien not only against vole bite, but can be taken in the fall as a whole from the ground. The potting soil may remain in the baskets as protection for the rhizomes.