Rose Nostalgia - with this care, it really blossoms!

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Jeff & Sheri Easter - Roses Will Bloom Again (Live)
Video: Jeff & Sheri Easter - Roses Will Bloom Again (Live)


The Edelrose nostalgia is easier to clean than you think

Rose Nostalgia - with this care, it really blossoms!

They are ballround, creamy white in the middle and cherry red colored on the edge - the flowers of the Edelrose nostalgia. But to make sure that they appear every year while still looking healthy, this rose should take care of a certain amount of care.

What should be considered when casting this edelrose?

Compared to other red roses, this specimen tolerates heat very well. Nevertheless, it is no mistake if you pour them in heat and dry times. Always pour directly onto the root area! The leaves should not be wetted with water as they will otherwise be more susceptible to fungal diseases.

When and with what do you fertilize the rose nostalgia?

Rose Nostalgia does not need a special fertilizer. Like other roses, it is content with organic fertilizer such as compost, horn shavings or bone meal. Also a self-prepared manure can be given to her every few weeks.

Fertilize this rose for the first time from the 2nd year. In the spring just before the shoot, the ideal time has come. A second fertilization may or may not be done in May. After flowering, this rose should no longer be fertilized. That makes little sense.

Does this rose need a frost protection?

Here are some hints to the winter hardiness and the wintering:

When and how should one cut the rose nostalgia?

It is advisable to remove the withered flowers in summer and autumn. The actual pruning takes place in the spring. Edelrosen like this specimen are cut down to just above the ground.

If you want to raise your rose nostalgia to a high standard, you should consider this when cutting. Even already bought high trunks sometimes need a cut to preserve the growth. Sometimes they form wild shoots from below.


You can cut this hybrid already at flowering time and then, if you want to use the flowers as cut flowers for the vase.