Giant Lily (offered: Allium giganteum) - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Plant Allium Globemaster: Spring/Summer Garden Guide
Video: How to Plant Allium Globemaster: Spring/Summer Garden Guide


The giant leek thrives best in the sun

Giant Lily (offered: Allium giganteum) - tips and tricks

With its numerous small star-shaped flowers, which grow in spherical, up to 14 centimeters large umbels, the giant rose is quite an impressive sight. If you have planted it in a suitable location, its maintenance is quite easy.

The ideal location for Giant Liver

The giant rose (offered by Allium giganteum) loves the sun. Of that he should get as much as possible at his location. Incidentally, this preference is shared by the giant bellworm with most other ornamental garlic varieties. Only the golden onion and the wild garlic used as a crop tolerate a plantation in partial shade quite well.

The nature of the soil

Not only a lot of sun, but also the right soil contribute to a lush flowering of your giant bellwether. He should be rather dry to slightly damp and well drained. In ideal conditions, the giant-bellwether proliferates all by itself.

The planting

The onion of the giant bellworm should be placed about 20 centimeters deep in the ground (about three times as deep as the onion is high). Pick a suitable planting hole for it. If the ground is not porous enough, then fill some sand or gravel in the hole. A layer five centimeters thick is enough.

For a good nutrient supply and an easier growing serves a little compost, which you also give into the planting hole. Put the leek onion, fill the hole with soil and pour the leek well. Ideally, plant your giant bellworm in the fall.

Combine giant bell with other plants

The giant rose is particularly good in combination with other plants that are color-matched. Even ornamental grasses are suitable as neighbors. Above all, choose plants that love the sun, just like the giant rose, and have a similar need for water.

The essentials in brief:


With the right companion plants, the giant-bellwether comes into its own. At the same time you hide the relatively early yellowing leaves.