For healthy roses and more flower abundance - Cut out blooming roses

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Deadhead Roses for More Flowers
Video: Deadhead Roses for More Flowers


The flowers should be regularly brushed to encourage the rose to new flowers

For healthy roses and more flower abundance - Cut out blooming roses

With frequently flowering roses, the thorough pruning takes place in early spring, in the summer more nourishing cutting measures are required. The most important work is the removal of withered shoots to obtain a regular flowerbed. On the other hand, single-flowered roses are only lighted and shaped in the summer after flowering.

One-time flowering roses cut after flowering

In contrast to the modern roses that bloom on the one-year-old wood, flowering roses develop their flowers only on the annual and perennial shoots. For this reason, these rose varieties should always be cut back only in summer, directly after flowering. Subsequently, new shoots grow immediately, which mature until winter and flowers again next year. For rambler and cascade roses, shorten long shoots and take older branches back to the base. In shrub roses, cut the tall outgrown, withered shoots back to their normal height, while cutting lateral shoots a little more. After that, the rose again shows a nice rounded shape.

Cutting back on the bloomers: That's how it's done

In the more flowering roses, the withered shoots are cut back to the next fully developed leaf. This measure not only ensures that the rose expels again and is thus repeatedly stimulated to bloom, but also prevents various fungal infections. Of course, roses that make up rose hips will not be cut - otherwise you would bring yourself around the beautiful autumnal splendor. It is important in this cut that the withered shoot is removed until the next complete five-, seven-, or nine-piece leaf. If you take a closer look you can see that the leaf, which is directly under the flower, is only one to three parts and thus not completely formed. After this rose cut, you can usually look forward to new blossoms after about six weeks.

Regularly cut perennial roses

Perennial flowering roses that constantly add flowers will show you where to put the scissors. These varieties, as soon as they have withered, are already new. Directly above the new shoot, the flowered branch can be cut out. If you sometimes cut deeper - which can sometimes be necessary as a shape correction - you have to wait a little longer for the next flower.

Extend flowering time by pinching

In June, almost all roses bear a rich flow of flowers, which then often decreases drastically - even with the more flowering varieties. These need a break to recharge their batteries for the training of new flowers. With a trick, you can still make the roses bloom at this time. With the so-called pinching you remove before the first bloom up to a third of the shoots together with the buds. Below are sleeping eyes, which immediately cast out and finally bloom just when the first flowers are over.


Wild roses are not cut, only lighted. Its graceful overhanging growth also adorns after flowering, and most species and varieties develop rosehips. An exception, however, are the so-called potato roses called Rugosarosen, which get a stronger cut better - without cutting they easily forgive.