Freeze the radish - this works only after cooking

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: SUB) 7년차 주부 깔끔하게 식재료 정리하고, 집밥 해 먹는 일상ㅣTips for storing food, fresh. Daily home meal recipes


Radish should only be frozen cooked

Freeze the radish - this works only after cooking

Some like it spicy, and not always it has to be a chili. The radish can keep up very well with its sharpness. Black radish is even healthy and helps with winter colds. Cooked radish can be frozen in stock.

Freezing is unusual

Radish is eaten raw in Germany. Especially in the south of the country, it is often served fresh and crisp in beer gardens. In addition, due to numerous summer and winter varieties, the radish season is quite long in total. If one variety is no longer fresh, it is easy to switch to another.

Do not freeze raw radish

Radish is one of the vegetables that contain a lot of water. As a result, the vegetables are extremely low in calories and yet tasty. However, such a high water content is disadvantageous for freezing. At minus temperatures, the water in the cells expands and they burst. The result is a mushy radish that simply does not taste good anymore.


Spring and summer varieties can only be kept in the fridge for a few days. Black winter radish, on the other hand, can be stored for months. It is an alternative for those who miss the raw radish taste after freezing.

Freeze radish cooked

However, if the radish is cooked through, it can be frozen well. He is freed from the shell, cut and cooked. Before freezing, the radish pieces must be completely cooled. Freezing as a method of preservation is suitable for many radishes. Below are:

Dishes with radish portion

Because of its sharpness, the radish is often given in small quantities and together with other cooking ingredients in a dish. For a cooked meal with a portion of radish, the question arises as to whether leftovers can be frozen. That's fine. Since the radish is cooked, all the food can be frozen. Unless there are other reasons against it.


Since the radish comes fully cooked in the freezer, it should be used up within three months. Prolonged storage is not recommended because time will negatively affect texture and taste. This also applies to frozen foods that contain radish.

For information: spoiled vegetables recognize well on reddish brown or white discoloration.