Sowing pimples and simply multiply by seeds

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Main Road Post LookDev classes #3/7
Video: Main Road Post LookDev classes #3/7


Sowing pimples and simply multiply by seeds

The Little Meadow Button, often referred to simply as Pimpinelle, is best propagated through seeds. The seeds can be purchased both in well-stocked stationary and in online trading or be obtained from their own, existing existing plants. The Pimpinelle belongs to the light germinators.

Sowing pimples in the garden

In contrast to many other herbs, the Pimpinelle does not have to be preferred on the windowsill or in the cold frame, but can be sown directly into the bed. The sowing can already take place from March, since the plant is quite insensitive to cold. In preparation, the bed should be thoroughly dug, smoothed and cleared of weeds. Optimal is a sunny location with moist, loose and humus earth. Although the pimpinelle thrives in dry places, it does not develop its typical, slightly cucumber-like aroma there. Seed the seeds directly to the later location and cover them only very slightly with earth or just press them - the Pimpinelle is a light germ. The seed point should always be kept moist.

Care of the seedlings

Depending on the weather, the seed will start up after about 10 to 14 days. As soon as at least two other leaves are visible in addition to the two cotyledons, you can pique the young plants and replant them at a distance of 30 x 40 centimeters. A later transplanting should be avoided as the pimpinelle develops a very deep taproot. With a direct sowing, you can set the individual seeds at the right distance, but not all seeds germinate - and you have to forgive the plantlets one way or the other. The first harvest is possible from May on, as soon as at least eight to ten leaves have developed.

Multiply pimples over seeds

Although the pimpinelle is basically a perennial (and hardy) herb, it should be sown approximately every two years. In principle, a rejuvenation of the plants by division is possible, but this is complicated by the taproot. The Pimpinelle, however, develops many foothills that can be used for this purpose. The simplest way to reproduce seeds is to do this - it is only necessary to flower the plant and then let the seeds ripen. The Pimpinelle sows itself, you only need to transplant the seedlings in the spring.

Tips & Tricks

As long as the pimpinella plants are still young, you need to regularly and thoroughly remove weedy weeds. Otherwise, the young plants will suffocate quickly, because they do not have enough space and air to grow.