Eyes open when honeysuckle purchase: An overview of the species

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
2020 Bush Honeysuckle Contol Demonstration
Video: 2020 Bush Honeysuckle Contol Demonstration


There are many different types of honeysuckle, including u.a. differ in their flower color

Eyes open when honeysuckle purchase: An overview of the species

The honeysuckle - it would be too easy if there was only one species and one variety of it. Since nature likes to play with colors, shapes and sizes, there are also many different types of honeysuckle. Here is an overview.

The Garden Honeysuckle: In Germany, the most popular species

In Europe and Asia, the garden honeysuckle is native and known in Germany under the name Jelängerjelieber. It is considered the most fragrant species and moves with its flowers, especially in the evening in the perception. The flowering period lasts from May to June. After a gentle pruning comes with luck in the fall to a post-bloom.

The evergreen honeysuckle: Also nice to look at in winter

This honeysuckle, which grows up to 10 m high, captivates with its evergreen foliage. This makes it nice to look at even in winter and becomes a valuable privacy screen. But beware: this property makes it particularly sensitive to drought. Also in winter it should be supplied with water!

The forest honeysuckle: high and fragrant

The forest honeysuckle, also known as Lonicera periclymenum, is native to Europe and Morocco. It climbs up to 10 m high at its location. It is very fragrant, likes to grow in the sun or in partial shade and shows yellow-white to reddish flowers.

Other interesting species

The following species belong to the honeysuckle family and are characterized by specific properties:

Tips & Tricks

Not all honeysuckle species climb or loop equally well. Weakly crawling species such as the fire honeysuckle are less suitable for draughty layers and for bad to be wrapped objects.