Ranunculus - what counts during and after flowering

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Digging Ranunculus Corms & Planting More Flower Seeds! πŸŒΈπŸ’š // Garden Answer
Video: Digging Ranunculus Corms & Planting More Flower Seeds! πŸŒΈπŸ’š // Garden Answer


Ranunculus in the field will bloom in May

Ranunculus - what counts during and after flowering

Her colorful side show ranunculus during her heyday. From white to yellow, orange, red, pink and purple to mixed nuances, everything is represented. When does the flowering begin and what should be considered in terms of care during this time?

Previous article Ranunculus Care: Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more Next article Cut the Ranunculus - for what purpose?

When do Ranunculus bloom?

Normally Ranunculus bloom in this country from May. Provided they are in the field. If they are in the room, however, they can start flowering in March / April. The flowering period usually takes 1 to 2 months, if you proceed correctly with the old flowers ...

Extend the heyday - with these tricks

After flowering, plants often excrete themselves as they grow their seeds. Therefore, it is an advantage if you regularly wipe out the withered flowers as a care during flowering. As a result, new flower buds emerge.

There are other tricks to extend the flowering period. Here are the 3 most important ones:

Prepare for the winter after flowering

The heyday is over? Then it is time to reduce watering. Gladly the earth can also be dry once. Stop fertilizing and cut off any withered and dry parts of plants. The ranunculus is now preparing slowly for the hibernation.


The Ranunkeln that are grown in greenhouses, for example in Holland for the production of cut flowers, usually bloom in January / February and are then available in stores.