The palm is drying up - how can it save?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Save a Dying Areca Palm
Video: How to Save a Dying Areca Palm


Sometimes a withered palm can still be saved

The palm is drying up - how can it save?

The plant friend often notices that a palm plant has dried up when the leaves are dropped because they retain their green color for a relatively long time. However, if many fronds die off in a short time, swift action is required. The fact that the plant is stunted can have various causes, which we would like to explain in more detail here.

Too little poured

If the palm had to thirst for a long time, this deficiency can usually be remedied and the palm is recovering. Water shortage can be recognized, among other things, that the earth is bone-dry and often has already formed a gap at the pot edge.


Too frequent watering

Wet soil says little about whether your palm can absorb enough liquid. If you over-fill for an extended period of time, bacteria in the wetted substrate can multiply causing root rot. The damaged root system can then no longer transport water and the plant dries up.


Remove the old soil and cut off the damaged root parts with a sharp knife. Subsequently, the plant is used in fresh palm soil. In future, pour much less and throw away excess water that collects in the coaster after a few minutes.

Unfavorable location

Even a wrong place can be the reason that the palm dries up. Plants that are in the sun all day, exposed to dry heating air in winter or constantly played by the wind, evaporate more water than they can absorb.


If you have poured enough, in this case only a change of location will help.


If only the lower fronds dry up, this is a natural process. At some point the palm throws down the withered leaves, while at the top fresh green fields are drifting away. Thus, gradually the trunk with the tuft, which gives many palm plants their typical appearance.