Which plant substrate is suitable for the palm?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
What Potting mix I use for palm trees
Video: What Potting mix I use for palm trees


Palm trees prefer loose soil

Which plant substrate is suitable for the palm?

Around 3,000 species of palm trees thrive in the most diverse regions of the world. Accordingly, there is no substrate that equally meets the needs of all palm trees.

Vote individual claims on the type

One thing, however, is common to all palms: they prefer loose soils that leave a lot of air to the root system and store the water well. At the same time waterlogging is to be avoided.

Traditional potting soil does not meet these special conditions and usually needs to be supplemented with aggregates. For loosening are suitable:

Use topsoil as a base, it is advisable to mix horn shavings or guano as jump-start.

Palm trees, whose natural habitat is moist forest areas, love acid soils. For these plants, a mixture of

proven, which can be additionally enriched with a small amount of calcareous clay and sand.


None of the commercially available, ready-mixed palm-earth is invariably suitable for all types. For varieties that prefer calcareous soils, whitewash must be additionally whitewashed for healthy growth.