Plant evening primrose in the garden

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Evening Primrose in the garden
Video: Evening Primrose in the garden


Evening primrose and lavender not only look good together

Plant evening primrose in the garden

The two-year-old perennial with its showy, colorful flowers makes loose clumps and overwinters as an evergreen, basal leaf rosette. On upright, some varieties up to 60 centimeters high stems are up to eight inches long leaves. From reddish buds develop from June to September mostly bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers. But there are also white or pink varieties.

Next article Is the evening primrose poisonous?

Which location does the evening primrose prefer?

Evening primroses need a sunny to full sun location. Where it is shady, only few flowers form.

Which soil conditions make sense for the evening primrose?

A nutrient-poor to moderately nutrient-rich, permeable and rather dry soil forms the right basis for a lush evening primrose flower. The perennial tolerates wetness only very bad.

When is the evening primrose seeded?

The sowing takes place between April and June directly in the field, whereby the seeds should be covered with earth about two centimeters thick. In addition, the plant sows itself quite reliably. After sprinkling the seedlings you should separate them to about 25 centimeters.

When can the evening primrose be planted?

Basically, only modern hybrid breeds are planted directly, which can not be propagated by seeding. The planting takes place in the spring.

How many plants do you have to calculate per square meter?

Depending on the species and variety, you can plant between six and twelve evening primrose per square meter.

How is the evening primrose multiplied?

Propagate by sowing in spring or by semi-ripe cuttings that you can cut off from non-flowering shoots until early summer.

When does the evening primrose blossom?

The flowering period of the evening primrose extends from June to September and can be prolonged by a regular pruning of withered plant parts.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

Evening primrose blends well with lavender, santolina, cistus, spur (Centranthus ruber), burning love (Silene chalcedonica), finebeam (Erigeron), or low sunbeam (Helenium).


The upholstery-like Missouri evening primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa) looks especially beautiful when it hangs over a natural stone wall and its cheerful flowers stretched towards the sun. The frugal perennial thrives excellently in the cracks of dry stone walls.